Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

Siauw A Tjiap on Facebook

Join us in Facebook through our e-mail siauwatjiap@yahoo.com!! Drop us some comments on how we can improve our ways to serve you!

Bergabunglah dengan Facebook kami melalui e-mail siauwatjiap@yahoo.com!! Berilah kami masukan untuk kami bisa melayani Anda semua lebih baik lagi!

Minggu, 25 Januari 2009

Iphiau in February

We have two option of Iphiau dish (iphiau = fish gut -perut ikan), those are soup and stir fry ( iphiau kuah dan iphiau cah). Both dish have some veggies in them: mushrooms, onion, and spring onion; and also some chicken and prawn. It's just one has more water than the other. Come and try some as we open again next Monday, February 2nd :)

Cabang Pluit - Renovasi

To all our beloved clients, we would like to inform you that a major renovation is being held in our Pluit branch.

It would probably take another three or four months to complete the whole project. We cannot wait to show you all this new atmosphere of Siauw A Tjiap. Hopefully, through all of this, we can bring more satisfaction and smiles to you.

Untuk para pelanggan kami yang terhormat, kami ingin menginformasikan bahwa Siauw A Tjiap cabang Pluit sedang mengalami renovasi total.

Renovasi tersebut akan berjalan sampai tiga atau empat bulan ke depan. Kami tidak sabar untuk menunjukkan kepada Anda semua atmosfer baru Siauw A Tjiap Pluit. Kami berharap, lewat ini semua, kami dapat memberi kepuasan dan senyum yang lebih lagi bagi Anda.

Happy Chinese New Year

To all our beloved clients, we would like to say, "Happy Chinese New Year - Health and Blessings shall follow you all year long!" Gong Xi Fa Cai Wan Shi Ru Yi - Xin Nian Kuai Le!

See you all after our Chinese New Year break (January 25 - February 1)! Can't wait to serve you in an even better way.

Untuk seluruh pelanggan kami yang terhormat, seluruh staf dan manajemen Siauw A Tjiap ingin mengucapkan, "Selamat Merayakan Hari Raya Imlek - Kiranya kesehatan dan berkah mengikuti kita semua sepanjang tahun!"

Kita akan berjumpa lagi setelah liburan Imlek ini (25 Januari - 1 Februari) dan kami sangat antusias untuk dapat melayani Anda dengan lebih baik lagi!

Jumat, 23 Januari 2009

Menu Favorit 2

We can't wait another day to post some more. Here are another 4 favorite items on the menu: Gurame Tahu Tause, Lumpia Udang (which is prepared limitedly), Urat Sapi Kuah (dengan lobak), and Ngohiong. Yumm...

Menu Favorit

We love to show you our customers' favorite menus. We have the first 5 up here: our famous Ayam Rebus Siram Minyak or some people call it "Pat Cam Ke", Lindung Cah Fumak, Babat Jarit Rebus, Udang Rebus or "Pak Yap", and one of our newest on the menu: Tahu Jepang Jamur (Japanese Tofu with Mushroom). And please.. wipe off that drool, we have more mouth-watering pictures coming up.